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Key Card Access Required for Pool and Clubhouse
Published: March 13, 2025
Reminder that access to the Pool and Clubhouse requires key card access. If you already have a key card – disregard this message. If not, please follow information below to gain access:
Scan the QR Code to submit request form for the Pool and Clubhouse or visit the Association’s website at

Essex Association Management, L.P.
1512 Crescent Drive, Suite 112
Carrollton, TX 75006
Phone: (972) 428-2030 Fax: (469) 342-8205
9AM – 10PM (Sun. – Thur.)
9AM – 11PM (Fri. & Sat.)
Violations of pool rules will be reported, documented, and pool privileges could be suspended.
1. Residents MUST have their HOA pool entry card AND a picture ID/school ID to enter the pool
areas. No exceptions!2. NO LIFEGUARD ON DUTY! Use of pool is at your own risk.
3. AN ADULT MUST ACCOMPANY CHILDREN 16 YEARS AND YOUNGER WHILE ON POOL PROPERTY. Only 1 adult may supervise a limit of 4 children at any given time. Homeowners must accompany all guest.
4. Only 4 guests permitted per residence. No exceptions!
5. Glass materials of any type are not permitted inside the pool areas.
6. Children who are not potty trained must wear a swim diaper. Absolutely NO DIAPERS are permitted to be changed except in the bathrooms.
7. No socializing or disturbing the courtesy officers while they are on duty.
8. Use of the pool and pool areas is prohibited to those with infectious diseases, colds, nasal or ear discharge, open sores or bandages. The HOA reserves the right to deny access to any resident/guest who displays symptoms which might endanger the health and safety of our homeowners.
9. Pets are prohibited from entering the pool areas. Assisted care dogs must be approved by the HOA prior to pool visits.
10.Only Association members in good standing (i.e., have quarterly HOA dues paid), their tenants and their accompanied guests are permitted to use the pool and pool areas. Association members who are in arrears shall have their pool entry cards suspended. Card access will be reinstated when the member becomes current in the HOA dues.
11. A non-paid member of the Association CANNOT BE A GUEST. Association members who have not paid their dues may NOT ENTER THE POOL OR POOL AREAS AS A GUEST OF THE PAID MEMBER. Any member that allows a non-paid member access to the pool will be subject to having their pool privileges revoked for a period of one pool season. Pool entry cards are not transferrable. No Exceptions!
12. Regulation bathing suits must be worn while in the pool. Cut-offs and/or jeans not permitted.
13. No bikes, scooters, skate boards, or roller blades permitted in pool area.
14. Radios and other noise should be maintained at a low level at all times.
15. NO alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, drugs, or profanity will be permitted in or around the pool areas.
16. No running, horseplay or harassing behavior is allowed.
17. Shale Creek HOA nor Essex Community Management is responsible for accidents, injuries or theft.
18. After hours call 817-430-8993 or 888-740-2233 – Emergencies call 911
The above pool rules will be strictly enforced and must be observed by homeowners and guests at all times. The HOA reserves the right to add policies and rules as necessary
Shale Creek HOA